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    Tips and Reminders in Insurance Matters

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    Tips and Reminders in Insurance Matters Empty Tips and Reminders in Insurance Matters

    Post by HYPERTEK Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:59 pm

    The risk of damage to properties and businesses is the reason why
    some Pinoy Entrepreneurs secure an insurance coverage. There are
    unforseen contingencies, while remote from happening, that could
    seriously cripple the business by the loss of inventory, equipment and,
    in the final analysis, precious capital.

    We've seen a number of insurance claims in the wake of the flooding brought by [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], and we'd like to share some observations.

    Many breathed a sigh of relief, when their cars were submerged in flood
    water, that they have motor vehicle insurance. Unfortunately, the
    general coverage does not include damage from flooding, among others.
    When securing an insurance, make sure to check the risk coverage.
    Additional premiums must be paid, but the extra amount would make a lot
    of difference in case of loss.

    Get a trusted insurance company. The [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.],
    the government agency which supervises and governs insurance companies,
    has a list of accredited companies. You get an insurance to recover
    something in case of loss. It's useless when the company which is
    supposed to pay for the loss is gone.

    Pay the premiums.
    The insurance policy, even if issued, does not take effect until the
    insured pays the premium. For instance, instructions were made to pay
    the premium on the last day of the week, Friday. Because of time
    constraints, payment was actually made on the next working day, a
    Monday. Typhoon Ondoy released its fury on a Saturday, before payment
    was made on Monday.

    Comply with the conditions.
    For stock in trade, for instance, the location where these stocks are
    located is specified in the insurance policy. Should you change the
    location, make sure that the insurance company has given its conformity.
    Other conditions include the safekeeping of the insured items.

    File the claim ASAP.
    The insurance policy spricifies the period for filing the insurance
    claim and the insurance company provides the requirements/forms to make
    such a claim. Make sure to file the claim within the period and to
    attach the required documents to prevent outright denial of the claim.
    There are certain nuances as to the applicable periods, but it's always
    safer to file as soon as possible.

    Location : manila
    Posts : 423

    Tips and Reminders in Insurance Matters Empty Re: Tips and Reminders in Insurance Matters

    Post by rich2011 Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:02 pm


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