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    Homebased Outbound Sales Call Agent

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    Location : Banga Town
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    Homebased Outbound Sales Call Agent  Empty Homebased Outbound Sales Call Agent

    Post by HYPERTEK Tue May 31, 2011 11:04 am

    We have immediate openings for Homebased Outbound Sales Call Agent
    (Part Time or Full Time)

    Job Description:

    *We are looking for a skilled, enthusiastic sales telemarketer with good communication skills to sell remote and onsite pc support services and packages.
    *Leads will be provided, the Call Agent should be able to keep track of the calls they make on a daily basis, and the disposition of the calls.

    Required Skills:

    Pleasant telephone voice, able to speak English clearly and fluently
    Great attitude, personality, self-motivated, honest and reliable
    Ability to Follow Directions
    Assertive Telephone Manner
    Short learning curve
    Ability to handle multiple tasks
    Ability to create and customize a script as needed
    Good listening and probing skills in sales and marketing depending on the needs of the customers.
    Ability to manage time without supervision to keep a consistent working schedule-(Business Hours: 10.00pm-8.00am Phil Time)

    Tech Requirements:

    1. Must have own fast and reliable computer & internet connection(preferably wired internet or high speed Cable Or DSL)
    2. VOIP phone system
    3. Working Internet Browser
    4. A quiet professional calling environment will be required.

    Send your RESUME HERE: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Or You can Drop By at Dixelle CP Repairs And Accessories
    Brgy. 03, Dingras Road, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte
    (Infront San Nicolas Public Market)
    Look For Ms. Deborrah

      Current date/time is Sun Oct 13, 2024 12:05 pm