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    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world

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    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Empty Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world

    Post by HYPERTEK Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:19 pm

    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Warning
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Applejpg102735

    1. Apple: $590.82 billion The cream of crop among technology companies
    is Apple. Already the world’s most valuable company, it is tipped to
    become the first company to blow past the $1 trillion mark. There were
    some concerns about growth slowing down after the demise of its iconic
    founder Steve Jobs died but Tim Cook has been a worthy successor. What’s
    next? How about a refurbished Apple TV.
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Warning
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Ibmjpg102730

    IBM: $238.07 billion The servers to services behemoth sits
    pretty in the number two spot. ‘Big Blue’ the 100 plus year old company,
    has gone through many changes and braved stormy weather when the
    technology landscape kept changing and its business models were under
    question. It has emerged unscathed and continues to look optimistically
    at the future.
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Warning
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Microsoftjpg102743

    Microsoft: $264.48 billion Some would say no Microsoft, no PC
    industry. The iconic company that was the poster child of the PC
    revolution continues to crank up huge revenues and profits. It survived
    the browser wars with Netscape and now battles Google, Apple and
    Facebook for technological supremacy.
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Warning
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Google1jpg102733

    Google: $163.11 billion The search giant was once the top of the
    heap in terms of technological cool and innovation. That title is now a
    two-horse race between Facebook and Apple. But Google continues to be
    one of the hottest technology companies globally. Its big bets are
    Google+, which is its attempt at social media and Andriod, its mobile
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Warning
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Oraclejpg102758

    Oracle: $148.56 billion The enterprise software and hardware
    company started off selling database systems and has grown from strength
    to strength mainly through a string of acquisitions. The biggest of
    which were PeopleSoft, Sun Microsystems, BEA Systems and Agile Software.
    Larry Ellison, its charismatic co-founder-CEO has been at the helm
    throughout its history.
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Warning
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Inteljpg102735

    Intel: $140.19 billion Moore’s Law on computing power doubling in
    complexity every two years may not still hold true. But Intel is at the
    bleeding edge when it comes to innovation in the microprocessor
    industry. It has been continuously introducing new architectures every
    few years that increases computing capability and at the same time
    reduce power consumption. But in a world where new computing devices
    like tablets and smart phones are ... more
    Intel: $140.19 billion Moore’s Law on computing power doubling in
    complexity every two years may not still hold true. But Intel is at the
    bleeding edge when it comes to innovation in the microprocessor
    industry. It has been continuously introducing new architectures every
    few years that increases computing capability and at the same time
    reduce power consumption. But in a world where new computing devices
    like tablets and smart phones are becoming popular Intel will have to
    innovate at a much faster scale than it ever did. less
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Warning
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Qualcommjpg102751

    Qualcomm: $113.65 billion The mobile phone chip giant Qualcomm has
    a rich history of innovation. Currently it has set its sights on
    entering the PC microprocessor market which is a big decision
    considering that its core business is that of mobile chipsets. But
    considering its past performance, this should be another market that it
    will crack.
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Warning
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Ciscojpg102754

    Cisco: $108.9 billion Cisco is the global leader in networking and
    its hardware is at the heart of the internet. The company has been
    through its share of ups and downs and last year announced a series of
    layoffs. John Chambers, its CEO believes that all future growth will be
    dependent on international markets, especially emerging markets such as
    India and Brazil. Expecting significant business coming its way from
    Brazil, Cisco announced that its... more
    Cisco: $108.9 billion Cisco is the global leader in networking and
    its hardware is at the heart of the internet. The company has been
    through its share of ups and downs and last year announced a series of
    layoffs. John Chambers, its CEO believes that all future growth will be
    dependent on international markets, especially emerging markets such as
    India and Brazil. Expecting significant business coming its way from
    Brazil, Cisco announced that its plans to invest $545 million to build a
    technology centre and expand its manufacturing capacity. less
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Warning
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Amazonjpg103139

    Amazon: $88.46 billion The e-commerce company started by Jeff
    Bezos began by selling books, but now sells almost anything that can be
    sold online. It has also diversified, offering cloud computing based
    services and hardware devices like the Kindle. Amazon has been
    successful in all its diversifying and at the same time growing its core
    e-commerce business.
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Warning
    Worlds top 10 technology companies in the world Emcjpg102734

    EMC: $59.95 billion Buoyed by cloud computing and ‘big data’, EMC
    is currently going through a purple patch and expects a strong showing
    in terms of revenues. As more and businesses, big and small climb aboard
    the IT as a service model that has cloud computing at its core EMC
    stands to benefit. Initially just focused on data storage, the company
    offers most of the hardware and software services required for
    businesses to switch to the IT as a ... more

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