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    88_wmt2.0_20110427-HcH Empty 88_wmt2.0_20110427-HcH

    Post by HYPERTEK Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:28 pm


    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    * Changed bootlogo to a cool one
    * Included anti spy/malware host blocking file
    * Added IPTables support
    * Added wmt_getspeed
    * Added sqlite3 bin
    * Boosted battery life
    * Added Gmail
    * Added GTalk
    * Fixed market permissions
    * Added market
    * Included Youtube Patch
    * Updated WebFLV to 1.7
    * Included lite version of camera_res and PeacockPhotoGallery (-43MB)
    * Removed dupelicate apps (-18MB)
    * Rooted
    * Changed boottext
    * Improved window opening speed
    * Changed default wallpaper
    * Added 5 new wallpapers

    * Added 13 extra apps:

      Advanced Task Killer Pro 1.9.5
      AndFTP 2.4
      AndroZip 1.1.1
      Cachemate For Root Users 2.6.3
      FreeMemorylite 2.4.4
      Hystudio Ebook Reader 2.1.5
      OI Notepad 1.2.2
      Remote RDP Enterprise 3.0.0
      Remote VNC Pro 1.7.8
      Swapper 1.7
      Root Explorer 2.1.24
      Wifi Analyzer 2.3.1
      WiFi File Explorer PRO 1.0.9

    * Added 10 games:

      Bowshooter Lite
      Bubble Burst Pro 2.1.1
      Freecell 2.0.3
      Grenades AS 1.1.3
      Minesweeper for Android 1.3
      Splat 1.3
      Ultimate Cave 1.6.7

    (all extra games and apps are 4.7MB)

    This ROM is for the Elonex 700ET, which has the following specifications:

    Memory: 128MB
    Model: Generic
    Firmware: 1.6
    Kernal Version: 2.3.29-00236-g4f8dbbb-dirty
    Build: WMT2.0-710Cu

    NOTE: This is a test version, can somebody please confirm:
    * Root access
    * Working Google Market / GMail / GTalk
    * Working Youtube
    * No crashing apps

    Download: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (69MB)

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 04, 2024 3:31 pm